What is Skywatcher?

Skywatcher is an aerial intelligence company. One of our main key objectives is to take a scientific approach to validating or invalidating the supposed claims related to UAP. If these claims are true, we are on the precipice of entering a new scientific paradigm. We seek to better understand the true nature of reality.

Who is Skywatcher?

Skywatcher consists of a consortium of former military, intelligence, and government officials as well as scientists, technologists, and investors committed to figuring out the truth.

How is Skywatcher financed?

Skywatcher is financed via private capital sources that share our interest in understanding reality and taking a scientific approach to validating or invalidating these supposed claims. We are not currently raising capital.

Is Skywatcher selling something?

Skywatcher is not currently selling anything, and it is not soliciting money.

Why is Skywatcher a for-profit entity instead of a non-profit entity?

We do not believe that a non-profit structure provides the appropriate incentives to accomplish our objective. If these claims are true, we are on the precipice of entering a new scientific paradigm. Skywatcher hopes and intends to play a material role in that.

How does Skywatcher make money?

Currently, it does not.

Is Skywatcher another “Disclosure” entity?

No. There are fantastic organizations currently focused on disclosure. Skywatcher is focused on validating or invalidating these supposed claims using the scientific method.

How does Skywatcher make money?

Currently, it does not.

Is Skywatcher a media company?

Skywatcher is not currently a media company. Skywatcher has committed to creating and distributing media based on our findings for free.

What is Skywatcher’s media strategy?

Skywatcher’s media strategy is dynamic and subject to change. Skywatcher plans to release a multi-part series over the next few months documenting our experience and search for the truth. Part I will be released imminently.

Will Skywatcher be charging people to watch the above media?


When will Skywatcher pieces be released?

As soon as possible. We expect Part I to be released imminently, and the following releases to occur as quickly as possible.

Why Now?

Because time is of the essence, and we believe that it’s imperative we figure this out now.

Is Skywatcher working with the US government?

Representatives of Skywatcher have been in contact with multiple agencies inside the US government. Skywatcher is open to collaboration with the appropriate groups.

Does Skywatcher believe… (insert x)

Skywatcher is committed to figuring out the truth, whatever that may be. We believe that substantial evidence exists to suggest that:
a) the “phenomenon” is real, and
b) consciousness is (in some way) non-local.

How can I help and get involved?

You can follow along on Twitter and Youtube.
We expect we will be constantly in need of various assistance throughout this process. If you believe you are particularly suited to help, please fill out the form on our website or DM us on Twitter with details about what you might be specifically suited to assist with.
As we progress, we may have specific asks or needs. If we do, we will post them on Twitter.

What else can you say?

Please be patient. We are doing everything we can, and we will surely make some mistakes.